Richardson Interior Painting Company
If what you want is only Richardson interior painting, that’s certainly fine. Performance Painting goes so much farther than that, however. We know that once a customer gets started with interior painting in Richardson TX, they might also desire some of our other valuable services such as installation of drywall, cabinet painting in the bathroom or water mitigation. In fact, we would add that many homeowners are pleasantly startled to learn how diverse our services are. For a company that does interior painting in Richardson TX, Performance Painters has branched out considerably.
Our Richardson Interior Painting Company Offers You a Peerless Warranty
We have tremendous faith in the quality and sturdiness of interior painting in Richardson TX, along with our entire portfolio of services. We provide each of our customers with a 10-year warranty. That is our method of assuring you that when you opt for our Richardson interior painting company, you don’t have to be concerned about anything for at least a decade. We hope that our unwavering confidence in Richardson interior painting inspires you to be equally confident in us, too.
Interior Painting in Richardson TX Is Only One of Our Numerous Services
You may have gotten to know Performance Painting solely as a Richardson interior painting company. We also have the equipment and a seasoned team to expertly do all these kinds of jobs:
- Brick painting
- Replace or repair fascia/soffit
- Remove popcorn
- Replace siding
- Work on multi-family dwellings
- Commercial establishments
- Gutters
Welcome to the World of Performance Painting!
As your all-around Richardson interior painting company, we can serve you in countless ways. We would love the opportunity to do so at your convenience. When you want Richardson interior painting, just say the word by phoning 972-360-8042.