Sherman Exterior Home Painting
When you need exterior home painting in Sherman TX, you have a lot of choices. At Performance Painting, we know that. That’s why we pride ourselves on providing superior craftsmanship and customer service for every client.
We’re a locally owned and operated business, so we know the challenges that homeowners face keeping their homes looking their best through our storms and temperature extremes. That’s why we use only the best, most durable products for our Sherman exterior home painting.
What You Get When You Choose Us for Your Sherman Home Painting
Before we begin any Sherman exterior home painting, we do all the prep work to get your home ready — from sanding and caulking to siding replacement. Whether your home is showing the effects of years of wear and tear or it’s suffered serious damage in a storm, we can make it just like superior exterior home painting in Sherman TX.
For nearly a decade, we’ve been promising 100% customer satisfaction on our Sherman home painting. We back that promise up with a 10-year workmanship warranty on our home painting in Sherman TX and all of our work. The Good Contractors List (TGCL) also guarantees our work for $10,000.
We’re proud of the recognition we’ve received within the industry and the community for our Sherman exterior home painting, including:
- The Better Business Bureau’s A+ rating
- The Good Contractors List (TGCL) Contractor of the Year
Take a look at what our customers are saying about our Sherman home painting and all of our work on our website. You can also find some examples of our work on homes (including historic homes), stores, places of worship and multi-family dwellings.
Our pricing is competitive and transparent. You won’t get any surprises. We begin with a free, no-obligation estimate on your home painting in Sherman TX. Have you filed an insurance claim for your Sherman exterior home painting? We’ll help you get the settlement you deserve.
How Can We Help with Your Sherman Home Painting Needs?
Give us a call at (972) 360-8042 or use the contact form on our website to schedule a free, no-obligation estimate from one of our Performance Painting contractors. We think you’ll be happy you chose us for your Sherman exterior home painting.